Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized There is a statistical correlation between 1) having had ancestors sold as property to another race and 2) having a general attitude that revolves around wordplay to pretend militaries are irrelevant in the world by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on There is a statistical correlation between 1) having had ancestors sold as property to another race and 2) having a general attitude that revolves around wordplay to pretend militaries are irrelevant in the world Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized Niggers are orders of magnitude more sinful and evil compared to the good Mongoloid race by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Niggers are orders of magnitude more sinful and evil compared to the good Mongoloid race Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized Niggers freewill chose not to engage (at the rates other etthniciery) behaviors and axtivzies that are disctinctivzve to humanity over animals. This implies niggers are the most low, animalistic rqace. by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Niggers freewill chose not to engage (at the rates other etthniciery) behaviors and axtivzies that are disctinctivzve to humanity over animals. This implies niggers are the most low, animalistic rqace. Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized Petty bitches have a false idea that “since I’m an annoying bitch, I must have power”. If this were true, mosquitos would be above humanity by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Petty bitches have a false idea that “since I’m an annoying bitch, I must have power”. If this were true, mosquitos would be above humanity Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized Niggers are a slave race by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Niggers are a slave race Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021November 12, 2021Uncategorized Hard power is real. ‘soft power’ is a fabricated term invented by people hated the people with actual hard power because they fabricators freewill choose powerlessness and wordplay over truth. by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Hard power is real. ‘soft power’ is a fabricated term invented by people hated the people with actual hard power because they fabricators freewill choose powerlessness and wordplay over truth. Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized People who cannot feed themesleves and defend their nation’s are unintelligent. ,PERIOD. by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on People who cannot feed themesleves and defend their nation’s are unintelligent. ,PERIOD. Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021Uncategorized Wacko pseudo-scientists developed the false idea of ‘mulriplr intelligencesf’ around the same time the. West invented lgbtq theology and multiple genders. Why? Has something to do with the stupidest ethnicity of all time who falsely thinks it’s a good idea to sell ones relatives into chaains for manufactured goods by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Wacko pseudo-scientists developed the false idea of ‘mulriplr intelligencesf’ around the same time the. West invented lgbtq theology and multiple genders. Why? Has something to do with the stupidest ethnicity of all time who falsely thinks it’s a good idea to sell ones relatives into chaains for manufactured goods Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021November 12, 2021Uncategorized Obama , the obedient puppet who did as his caucasoid predecessors did. Weak Nigerians have no hard power because they have weakest military by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on Obama , the obedient puppet who did as his caucasoid predecessors did. Weak Nigerians have no hard power because they have weakest military Read More
Posted onNovember 12, 2021November 12, 2021Uncategorized As The Negroid Sold his relatives into owned bondage in the transatlaticz slave trade, the west chooses its own invisible chains to Satan and the Authoritativr East by Modern Morality EditorLeave a comment on As The Negroid Sold his relatives into owned bondage in the transatlaticz slave trade, the west chooses its own invisible chains to Satan and the Authoritativr East Read More